The Fertikit PB is a unit that can be considered where the mainline pressure is between 1 and 2.5Bar, with no extra capacity to run the Venturis. The PB incorporates a pump on the rig unit used to "boost" through the Venturi manifold.
Features and Benefits
- Modular Nutrigation system
- Wide range of soil and substrate applications
- Minimal investment requirement
- Unrivalled range of irrigation water capabilities
- Quantitative or proportional injection
- Accurate dosing applications
- Fast and efficient recipe adjustments
- Manual or fully automated operations
- Extremely high flow capabilities
- Easily integrated into existing systems
- Up to 4 x 50-150l/hr channels
- 5-50m³/hr flow capabiltities
- Single EC/pH measurement as standard
- 1.5-2.5Bar pressure range